@KTzone » 消閒 - 會員交友 » 我...STORM 回來了!!

2008-5-27 10:04 eddiekt
[quote]Originally posted by [i]storm[/i] at 2008-5-27 04:11 AM:
申請另一個 account 跟住呢??...

我而家係 WA state, o係 Seattle 讀緊書~

我離開 ktz 應該係 06年頭 左右...
因為 KTz 越黎越慢, 我去到 外國完全 load 唔到 ktz...
就算 load 到都要成幾分鐘一頁..
(其 ... [/quote]
後來加入另一個組織,I used to study in HighLine community
college in Seattle, I worked at South China Doll restaurant at Pacific highway south, there is a topless bar there called [my place],不知是否還在?
are you UW student ?
I love Seattle's summer times.

[ Last edited by eddiekt on 2008-5-27 at 07:55 PM ]

2008-5-28 13:19 霜~

2008-5-28 13:25 storm
[quote]Originally posted by [i]eddiekt[/i] at 2008-5-27 10:04 AM:
後來加入另一個組織,I used to study in HighLine community
college in Seattle, I worked at South China Doll restaurant at Pacific highway south, there is a topless bar there called [my place],不知是 ... [/quote]

Sorry..I have never heard about that bar ...~
May be next time, if I walk by, I will take a look!

BTW, ya...I am studying in UWS~
Where did you go after graduated from college?

2008-5-28 13:57 storm
[quote]Originally posted by [i]霜~[/i] at 2008-5-28 01:19 PM:
唔知你識唔識我呢..XDD [/quote]


2008-5-28 16:35 傻星
[quote]Originally posted by [i]storm[/i] at 2008-5-27 04:12 AM:
bbq~我睇個 list, 好似得好少人去 =0=
又無我d fd 同我去.../ . \ [/quote]
搵埋你d fd 一齊去嗎0w0?

2008-5-28 17:06 eddiekt
[quote]Originally posted by [i]storm[/i] at 2008-5-28 01:25 PM:
Sorry..I have never heard about that bar ...~
May be next time, if I walk by, I will take a look!

BTW, ya...I am studying in UWS~
Where did you go after graduated from college? [/quote]
I did not graduate, too much beer and too many table dancing made my studying failed.

[ Last edited by eddiekt on 2008-5-28 at 07:25 PM ]

2008-5-29 06:52 storm
[quote]Originally posted by [i]eddiekt[/i] at 2008-5-28 05:06 PM:
I did not graduate, too much beer and too many table dancing made my studying failed. [/quote]

不過其實我唔太好...只係 d 朋友個個都去 party 就去玩埋一份~

o係香港 定 美國?

2008-5-29 07:50 eddiekt
I am working in a aircraft maintenance company in hong kong, I am handling the unserviceable
aircraft parts.

2008-5-30 00:44 storm
[quote]Originally posted by [i]eddiekt[/i] at 2008-5-29 07:50 AM:
I am working in a aircraft maintenance company in hong kong, I am handling the unserviceable
aircraft parts. [/quote]

so good@@!
how did u get this job??
How is the salary?

2008-5-30 09:54 eddiekt
[quote]Originally posted by [i]storm[/i] at 2008-5-30 12:44 AM:
so good@@!
how did u get this job??
How is the salary? [/quote]

2008-6-1 05:56 tokit
3G Storm  同霜霜都仲係度呢~ 唔知仲記唔記得我><

2008-6-2 00:50 aiwa1230

6/17我去旅行tim...XDDDD 不過歡迎你返黎~~~~其實h7都走左一排...keep住有上但係冇講過野好耐


2008-6-5 08:16 storm
[quote]Originally posted by [i]tokit[/i] at 2008-6-1 05:56 AM:
3G Storm  同霜霜都仲係度呢~ 唔知仲記唔記得我>< [/quote]


2008-6-5 08:19 storm
[quote]Originally posted by [i]aiwa1230[/i] at 2008-6-2 12:50 AM:

6/17我去旅行tim...XDDDD 不過歡迎你返黎~~~~其實h7都走左一排...keep住有上但係冇講過野好耐

見到KT返黎令到咁多舊人返黎真係開心呀 [/quote]

20號同 fd 去泰國旅行xd 25號 先再番到香港~~

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